2D Shooter
This is my 2D Shooter Project.
- Changed difficulty of level 2 and level 3:
- Level 2: Added two StraightChasing that can follow the player.
- Level 3: Added two ChaserEnemy following the player.
- Changed the number of enemies to defeat for level 2 and 3:
- Level 2: From 3 to 5
- Level 3: From 10 to 7
- Optimize the Game Win Screen for level 3:
- Changed UITitleText to " YOU WIN!"
- Changed Button Text to " Main Menu"
- Press button can return to the Main Menu.
credits: 10%
- level 1: 20
- level 2: 30
- level 3: 70
Created by Yulin Lin
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This is a good start. For your modifications:
Your modifications are too small to earn full credit. All three of your levels are far to similar to each other and the changes you have made take very little time to do.
I suggest you take a look at the example 2D shooter modifications video to get an idea of what significant modifications look like:
Optional: 2D Shoot Modification Examples - SS21-CAS-117-730 - Games and Interactivity (msu.edu